Great | |
8' | Montre |
8' | Flûte à cheminée |
4' | Prestant |
4' | Flûte conique |
2' | Doublette |
Sesquialtera II | |
Fourniture IV | |
Recit | |
8' | Bourdon |
8' | Viol de gambe |
8' | Voix Celeste |
4' | Octave |
Cymbal III | |
8' | Trompette |
Pedale | |
16' | Soubasse |
8' | Octave |
8' | Bourdon |
4' | Octave basse |
16' | Bassoon |
Casavant Frères Opus 3368 was installed in October 1977 replacing a 2 manual Fritzsche. It has 1168 pipes and installed at a cost $52,800. Unaltered since its time of installation, the only major work it has received are some required repairs due to a ceiling leak. The organ is currently maintained by Patrick Murphy Associates of Stowe, PA.